# Typical output variables The table below gives an overview of typical variables selected by users to simulate with GETTSIM. You can simulate them by defining them as target in {func}`compute_taxes_and_transfers <_gettsim.interface.compute_taxes_and_transfers>`. You can find their individual calculation in the documentation of all {ref}`functions`. ```{list-table} * - Variables - Description * - {func}`ges_rentenv_beitr_m <_gettsim.functions.ges_rentenv_beitr_m>` - Monthly amount employee old-age pensions contributions * - {func}`arbeitsl_v_beitr_m <_gettsim.functions.arbeitsl_v_beitr_m>` - Monthly amount employee unempl. insurance contributions * - {func}`ges_krankenv_beitr_m <_gettsim.functions.ges_krankenv_beitr_m>` - Monthly amount employee health insurance contributions * - {func}`ges_pflegev_beitr_m <_gettsim.functions.ges_pflegev_beitr_m>` - Monthly amount of long term care insurance * - {func}`arbeitsl_geld_m <_gettsim.functions.arbeitsl_geld_m>` - Monthly amount of unemployment assistance * - {func}`entgeltp_update <_gettsim.functions.entgeltp_update>` - Updated earning points for pension claim * - {func}`abgelt_st_tu <_gettsim.functions.abgelt_st_tu>` - Capital income tax on tax unit level * - {func}`soli_st_tu <_gettsim.functions.soli_st_tu>` - Solidarity surcharge on tax unit level * - {func}`kindergeld_m <_gettsim.functions.kindergeld_m>` - Monthly child benefit * - {func}`eink_st_tu <_gettsim.functions.eink_st_tu>` - Income Tax on tax unit level * - {func}`lohnst_m` <_gettsim.functions.lohnst_m>` - Withholding tax * - {func}`soli_st_lohnst_m <_gettsim.functions.soli_st_lohnst_m>` - Solidarity surcharge on withholding tax * - {func}`unterhaltsvors_m <_gettsim.functions.unterhaltsvors_m>` - Alimony advance payment * - {func}`arbeitsl_geld_2_m_hh <_gettsim.functions.arbeitsl_geld_2_m_hh>` - Monthly subsistence payment on household level * - {func}`kinderzuschl_m_hh <_gettsim.functions.kinderzuschl_m_hh>` - Monthly additional child benefit, household sum * - {func}`elterngeld_m <_gettsim.functions.elterngeld_m>` - Monthly parental leave benefit * - {func}`wohngeld_m_hh <_gettsim.functions.wohngeld_m_hh>` - Monthly housing benefit on household level * - {func}`grunds_im_alter_m_hh <_gettsim.functions.grunds_im_alter_m_hh>` - Monthly subsistence payment for retirees on household level ```