Code Restrictions#

The following code restrictions are necessary to ensure that the functions inside gettsim can be vectorized automatically. The code restrictions are checked and throw an error if violated.

If-Else Conditions#

  1. Code inside an if / elif / else block can only perform one operation. For example, the following is allowed:

    if x > 1:
        out = 1
        out = 0


    if x > 1:
        flag = True
        out = 1
        out = 0

    is not allowed since the code inside the if block performs two operations.

  2. There cannot be a return statement inside a single if-condition. For example, the following is allowed:

    if x > 1:
        return 1
        return 0


    if x > 1:
        out = 1
        out = 0
    return out


    out = 0
    if x > 1:
        return 1
    return out

    is not allowed.

  3. Only certain operations can be performed in the body of an if / elif / else condition. For example, the following operations are allowed:

    • Assigning a variable (e.g. out = 1)

    • Returning a value (e.g. return 1)

    • One-line if-else conditions (e.g. out = 1 if x > 1 else 0)

    • Nested if-elif-else conditions

Function Calls#

This is a list of restrictions applying to functions from the base and math modules.

  1. The following functions can only be called with iterable arguments:

    • sum

    • any

    • all

    For example the following is allowed:

    any([True, False, False])


    any(True, False, False)
    is not allowed.
  2. The following functions can only be called with two arguments or one iterable argument. For example the following is allowed:

    min([1, 2, 3])


    min(left, right)


    min(1, 2, 3)


    min(left, middle, right)

    is not allowed.