GEP 2 — Internal Representation of Data on Individuals#


Hans-Martin von Gaudecker




Standards Track






This GEP lays out how GETTSIM stores the user-provided data (be it from the SOEP, EVS, example individuals, …) and passes it around to the functions calculating taxes and transfers.

Data will be stored as a collection of 1-d arrays, each of which corresponds to a column in the data provided by the user (if it comes in the form of a DataFrame) or calculated by GETTSIM. All these arrays have the same length. This length corresponds to the number of individuals. Functions operate on a single row of data.

If a column name is [x]_id with x \(\in \{\) hh, tu \(\}\), it will be the same for all households, tax units, or any other grouping of individuals specified in GEP 1.

Any other column name ending in _id indicates a link to a different individual (e.g., child-parent relations could be parent_0_ind_id, parent_1_ind_id; receiver of child benefits would be kindergeldempf_id).

Motivation and Scope#

Taxes and transfers are calculated at different levels of aggregation: Individuals, couples, families, households. Sometimes, relations between individuals are important: parents and children, payors/receivers of alimony payments, which parent receives the kindergeld payments, etc..

Potentially, there are many ways of storing these data: Long form, wide form, collections of tables adhering to database normal forms, N-dimensional arrays, etc.. As usual, everything involves trade-offs, for example:

  • Normal forms require many merge / join operations, which the tools we are using are not optimised for.

  • One N-dimensional array is not possible because groups are not necessarily nested

  • Almost all functions are much easier to implement when working with a single row. This is most important for the typical user and increasing the number of developers.

  • Modern tools for vectorization (e.g., Jax) scale best when working with single rows of data.

    Aggregation to groups of individuals (households, tax units) or referencing data from other rows (parents, receiver of child benefits) is not trivial with these tools.

Usage and Impact#

This is primarily internal, i.e., only relevant for developers as the highest-level interface can be easily adjusted. The default way to receive data will be one Pandas DataFrame.

Users are affected only via the interface of lower-level functions. Under the proposed implementation, they will always work on single rows of data. Many alternatives would require users to write vectorised code, making filtering operations more cumbersome. For aggregation or referencing other individuals’ data, GETTSIM will provide functions that allow abstracting from implementation details, see below.

Detailed description#

The following discussion assumes that data is passed in as a Pandas DataFrame. It will be possible to pass data directly in the form that GETTSIM requires it internally. In that case, only the relevant steps apply.

  • GETTSIM will first make a check that all identifiers pointing to other individuals (e.g., kindergeldempf_id) are valid.

  • GETTSIM will then create internal identifiers for individuals, households, and tax units. GETTSIM will also generate appropriate columns with identifiers pointing to other individuals. Columns with the original values are stored.

    All internal identifiers are integers starting at 0 and counting in increments of 1. For individuals, they are sorted, implying they can be used to index into the arrays. It also means that identifiers pointing to other individuals can be used directly for indexing.

    Because groups of individuals are not necessarily nested (e.g., joint taxation during separation phase but living in different households), they cannot be sorted in general. In case users know their data allows sorting on all groups (i.e., all groups have a nesting structure), they will be able to provide a data_is_sorted flag, which defaults to False.

  • The core of GETTSIM works with a collection of 1-d arrays, all of which have the same length as the number of individuals.

    These arrays form the nodes of its DAG computation engine (see GEP 4).

  • GETTSIM returns an object of the same type and with the same identifiers that was passed by the user.

  • GETTSIM strives to show errors along with the original indices, but this may not always be possible.

Grouped values and aggregation functions#

Often columns refer to groups of individuals. Such columns have a suffix indicating the group (see GEP 1, currently _hh or _tu). These columns’ values will be repeated for all individuals who form part of a group.

By default, GETTSIM will check consistency on input columns in this respect. Users will be able to turn this check off.

Aggregation functions will be provided by GETTSIM.

  • Aggregation will always start from the individual level. If aggregation from, say, tax unit to household is required (and possible), users will first need to provide an appropriate individual-level column (e.g., by dividing some tax unit-level aggregate by the number of members in the tax unit)

  • As outlined in GEP 4 users will need to specify:

    • The stringified name of the aggregated variable. This must end with a feasible unit of aggregation, i.e., _hh or _tu

    • The stringified name of the original variable.

    • The type of aggregation \(\in \{\) sum, mean, max, min, any \(\}\)

    Note that as per GEP 4, sums will be calculated implicitly if the graph contains a column my_col and an aggregate such as my_col_hh is requested somewhere.

Note that the groups tu and hh may change in the future. Some might also be calculated via relations between household members, see discussion on Zulip in this respect.


Versions 0.3 – 0.4 of GETTSIM used a collection of pandas Series. This proved to be cumbersome because case distinctions had to be made in vectorized code (e.g., picking different values from the parameter database depending on a child’s age).

Adhering to normal forms (e.g., reducing the length of arrays to the number of households like [here]( would have led to many merge-like operations in user functions.
