GEP 3 — Parameters of the taxes and transfers system#


Hans-Martin von Gaudecker




Standards Track






This GEP describes the structure of the parameters of the taxes and transfers system. This includes the format of the yaml files (initial input) and storage of the processed parameters.

Motivation and Scope#

The parameters of the taxes and transfers system are among the core elements of GETTSIM. Along with the functions operating on them and the input data, they determine all quantities of interest. Sensibly structuring and cleanly documenting the meaning and sources of these parameters requires particular care.

Usage and Impact#

GETTSIM developers should closely look at the Section Structure of the YAML files before adding new parameters.

Structure of the YAML files#

Each YAML file contains a number of parameters at the outermost level of indentation. Each of these parameters in turn is a dictionary with at least three keys: name, description, and the YYYY-MM-DD-formatted date on which it first took effect. Values usually change over time; each time a value is changed, another YYYY-MM-DD entry is added.

Some keys at the outermost level refer to functions of the taxes and transfers system. These work differently and they are treated separately below.

  1. The name key has two sub-keys de and en, which are

    • short names without re-stating the realm of the parameter (e.g. “Arbeitslosengeld II” or “Kinderzuschlag”);

    • not sentences;

    • correctly capitalised.

    Example (from arbeitsl_geld_2):

        de: Anrechnungsfreies Einkommen
        en: Income shares not subject to transfer withdrawal
  2. The description key has two sub-keys de and en, which

    • are exhaustive explanations of the parameter;

    • show the § and Gesetzbuch of that parameter (including its entire history if the location has changed);

    • mention bigger amendments / Neufassungen and be as helpful as possible to make sense of that parameter.


          de: >-
            Einkommensanteile, die anrechnungsfrei bleiben. § 30 SGB II. Seit 01.10.2005 zudem
            definiert durch Freibetrag in § 11 SGB II, siehe auch § 67 SGB II. Seit 01.04.2011
            § 11b (2) SGB II (neugefasst durch B. v. 13.05.2011 BGBl. I S. 850. Artikel 2
            G. v. 24.03.2011 BGBl. I S. 453).
          en: >-
            Income shares which do not lead to tapering of benefits.
  3. The unit key informs on the unit of the values (Euro or DM if monetary, share of some other value, …).

    • In rare cases (e.g. child benefit age threshold), it might be omitted.

    • It should be capitalised.

    • Some values used at this point: Euro, DM, Share, Percent, Factor, Year, Month, Hour, Square Meter, Euro / Square Meter.

    • The unit key may be overridden at lower levels. For example, the unit will typically be Euro for monetary quantities. For the years prior to its introduction, it may be specified as DM.


        de: Kindergeld, Betrag je nach Reihenfolge der Kinder.
      unit: Euro
  4. The (optional) type key may contain a reference to a particular function that is implemented. Examples are piecewise_linear or piecewise_quadratic

  5. The (optional) reference_period key informs on the reference period of the values, if applicable

    Possible values: - Year - Month - Week - Day


        de: Wochenstundengrenze für Kindergeldanspruch
      reference_period: Week
  1. The (optional) access_prior_parameters can be used to make the parameter of a previous point in time (relative to the date specified in set_up_policy_environment) available within GETTSIM functions. It requires the reference_period (one of Year, Month, Week, Day) and the number_of_lags.


        de: Rentenwerte alte und neue Bundesländer.
        - reference_period: Year
        - number_of_lags: 1
  2. The YYYY-MM-DD key(s)

    • hold all historical values for a specific parameter or set of parameters in the value subkey;

    • is present with value: null if a parameter ceases to exist starting on a particular date;

    • contain a precise reference to the law in the reference subkey;

    • may add additional descriptions in the note key;

    • may give hints towards the type of function they refer to via the type subkey;

    • may include formulas if the law does;

    • may reference other parameters as described below.

    • may contain a unit subkey, which overrides the unit key mentioned in 3. (mostly relevant for DM / Euro)

    The remainder of this section explains this element in much more detail.

The reference key of [YYYY-MM-DD]#

  • cites the law (Gesetz “G. v.”), decree (Verordnung “V. v.”) or proclamation (Bekanntmachung “B. v.”) that changes the law

  • uses German language

  • follows the style Artikel [n] [G./V./B.] v. [DD.MM.YYYY] BGBl. I S. [SSSS].

  • does not add information “geändert durch” (it is always a change) or the date the law comes into force (this would just repeat the date key one level above)

  • the page should be the first page of the law/decree/proclamation, not the exact page of the parameter


    de: Anrechnungsfreie Einkommensanteile
    reference: Artikel 1. G. v. 24.12.2003 BGBl. I S. 2954.

The note key of [YYYY-MM-DD]#

This optional key may contain a free-form note holding any information that may be relevant for the interpretation of the parameter, the implementer, user, …

The deviation_from key of [YYYY-MM-DD]#

Often laws change only part of a parameter. To avoid error-prone code duplication, we allow for such cases via the deviation_from key. This is the reason why lists are to be avoided in the value key (see the piecewise_linear function above).

The key could either reference another value explicitly:

    de: Abweichende anrechnungsfreie Einkommensanteile falls Kinder im Haushalt
    deviation_from: arbeitsl_geld_2.eink_anr_frei
      upper_threshold: 1500

A special keyword is previous, which just refers to the set of values in the previous law change.

    de: Anrechnungsfreie Einkommensanteile
    deviation_from: previous
      upper_threshold: 1000

The values of [YYYY-MM-DD]#

The general idea is to make the replication of the laws very obvious. If the law includes a table, we will have a dictionary with keys 0, 1, 2, …. If the law includes a formula, the formula should be included and its parameters referenced. Etc..

The following walks through several cases.

  • The simplest case is a single parameter, which should be specified as:

        de: Wochenstundengrenze für Kindergeldanspruch
        scalar: 20
  • There could be a dictionary, potentially nested:

        de: Höhen des Existenzminimums, festgelegt im Existenzminimumsbericht der Bundesregierung.
          single: 4164
          paare: 7488
          kinder: 2688
          single: 2592
          paare: 3984
          kinder: 804
          single: 600
          paare: 768
          kinder: 156
  • In some cases, a dictionary with numbered keys makes sense. It is important to use these, not lists!

        de: Kindergeld, Betrag je nach Reihenfolge der Kinder.
        1: 26
        2: 36
        3: 61
        4: 61
  • Another example would be referring to the parameters of a piecewise linear function:

        de: Anrechnungsfreie Einkommensanteile
        en: Income shares not subject to transfer withdrawal
      type: piecewise_linear
          lower_threshold: -inf
          upper_threshold: 0
          rate: 0
          intercept_at_lower_threshold: 0
  • In general, a parameter should appear for the first time that it is mentioned in a law, becomes relevant, etc..

    Only in exceptional cases it might be useful to set a parameter to some value (typically zero) even if it does not exist yet.

  • If a parameter ceases to be relevant, is superseded by something else, etc., there must be a YYYY-MM-DD key with a note on this.

    Generally, this YYYY-MM-DD key will have an entry scalar: null regardless of the previous structure. Ideally, there would be a reference and potentially a note key. Example:

    value: null
    note: arbeitsl_hilfe is superseded by arbeitsl_geld_2

    Only in exceptional cases it might be useful to set a parameter to some value (typically zero) even if it is not relevant any more.

    In any case, it must be the case that it is obvious from the YYYY-MM-DD entry that the (set of) parameter(s) is not relevant any more, else the previous ones will linger on.

Keys referring to functions#

The rounding key#

See GEP-5 for the entire scope of rounding, here we reproduce the relevant section referring to YAML-files,

The following goes through the details using an example from the basic pension allowance (Grundrente).

The law on the public pension insurance specifies that the maximum possible Grundrentenzuschlag grundr_zuschlag_höchstwert_m be rounded to the nearest fourth decimal point (§76g SGB VI: Zuschlag an Entgeltpunkten für langjährige Versicherung). The example below contains GETTSIM’s encoding of this fact.

The snippet is taken from ges_rente.yaml, which contains the following code:

      base: 0.0001
      direction: nearest
      reference: §76g SGB VI Abs. 4 Nr. 4

The specification of the rounding parameters starts with the key rounding at the outermost level of indentation. The keys are names of functions.

At the next level, the YYYY-MM-DD key(s) indicate when rounding was introduced and/or changed. This is done in in the same way as for other policy parameters. Those YYYY-MM-DD key(s) are associated with a dictionary containing the following elements:

  • The parameter base determines the base to which the variables is rounded. It has to be a floating point number.

  • The parameter direction has to be one of up, down, or nearest.

  • The reference must contain the reference to the law, which specifies the rounding.

The dates_active key#

Some functions should not be present at certain times. For example, arbeitsl_geld_2 and all its ancestors should not appear in DAGs referring to years prior to 2005.

Other functions have different interfaces in different years or undergo very large changes in their body.

The dates_active key can be used to include certain functions only in certain years and to switch between different implementations of other functions.


This will become a separate GEP, move gist here.

Storage of parameters#

The contents of the YAML files become part of the policy_params dictionary. Its keys correspond to the names of the YAML files. Each value will be a dictionary that follows the structure of the YAML file. These values can be used in policy functions as [key]_params.

The contents mostly follow the content of the YAML files. The main difference is that all parameters are present in their required format; no further parsing shall be necessary inside the functions. The important changes include:

  • In the YAML files, parameters may be specified as deviations from other values, see above. All these are converted so that the relevant values are part of the dictionary.

  • Similarly, values from other points in time (via access_prior_parameters, see above) of [param] will be available as: [param]_t_minus_[number_of_lags]_[reference_period[0].lower()].

  • Parameters for piecewise polynomials are parsed.

  • Parameters that are derived from other parameters are calculated (examples include kinderzuschlag_max starting in 2021 or calculating the phasing in of vorsorgeaufw_alter over the 2005-2025 period).

These functions will be avaiable to users en bloque or one-by-one so they can specify parameters as in the YAML file for their own policy parameters.
